Welcome to my site.

(Come back for frequent updates)

Hi All. 


Private Piano Lessons . . .

I am now teaching exclusively by Zoom.  This is working well.  Online Lessons are safe, less stressful, easy to schedule and fun.  My normal price for a 45-minute Zoom Lesson is $65.  I am offering a first-lesson discount of $45.  All my current private students have free access to my online improvisation course, JazzSkills for Piano.

Please contact me to schedule piano lessons on Zoom.  (408) 234-2364 and  martan@musicmann.com   

Want to know where I’m playing? . . .

Please check out my gig schedule below for more information.  Also, contact me if you need a pianist.  Thank you!!!

Thanks for coming to my website

Thanks for coming to my website.  There is lots of information about my concerts, gigs, teaching activities, JazzSkills for Piano online jazz piano course, JAZZ MASTERCLASS: Step-by-Step  (individual online lessons), blog posts and music below.  I’d love to see you at some of my gigs, concerts or lectures.  Please leave your email if you want to be notified of upcoming events.  Also, I always appreciate your questions, comments and suggestions.

Quickie JazzThought

My newest announcement is that I’ve set up a new YouTube Channel called Quickie JazzThought.  This presents free videos which give deep musical thoughts in a very easily understandable way.  I’ve also upgraded my JazzThought Website with lots of new features.  Check it out to view blog posts, videos, jazz quotes and much more.  I’m also posting new “Morning Musings”.  These are my piano improvisations on some of my favorite tunes.

I’ve just uploaded my first Quickie JazzThought video: “Connecting V7 – I”.  This video gives two accessible exercises which develops a connection to this powerful resolution.  I hope you will visit this video and give me your valuable feedback.  I appreciate it also if you would subscribe to the channel.  Watch for new free videos soon.

Just uploaded a second Quickie JazzThought video:  Time Against Time.  This “jazz thought” gives you an easy, natural, musical way to develop all time-against-time issues.   Check it out.

Exciting News!  New Course!

My newest jazz course is called: Pentatonics for Pianists.  This course is intended to help all pianists develop improvisational skills.  Pentatonic for Pianists is my latest JAZZ MASTERCLASS: Step-by-Step individual course.

Just received word that Martan Mann & Mankind is now available as a station on Pandora and on Spotify.  Hope you can check it out.

Nice Thought . . .

Here’s a nice comment from one of my Australian JazzSkills for Piano subscribers:

“Hi Martan ! Thank you for your course and video lessons. They have been extremely useful to me. I now use your approach when playing.  At the moment I’m playing each week in the State Library centre in Adelaide (South Australia) and it is certainly giving me new musical freedom.”

Have a great day . . .

Martan :)

JazzThought of the Day:

𝓐𝓽 𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓟𝓸𝓲𝓷𝓽 𝓘𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓢𝓸𝓵𝓸 𝓔𝔁𝓬𝓮𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵?
Martan Mann

Music jazz improvisation

For More Jazz Thought Quotes by Martan, visit JazzThought.com.


I want to personally invite you to join me and my friends at the following public concerts and gigs . . . love to see you there.  These gigs are mainly in the San Francisco, Santa Cruz, San Jose & Monterey Bay Area.
Best to you . . . Martan :)



Paul Contos and Martan Mann perform at MidiCi Neapolitan Pizza in Monterey on Sunday, October 13, from 5 – 9 pm.


The BIG EVENT!!! is coming on Sunday, November 3 at 4 pm.  I’m honored and thrilled to be playing with two of the top best musicians, Dan Robbins, bass & Jason Lewis, drums for a Jazz Trio Concert.  The theme of this concert is Clazzical Jazz.  It will be fun.

I hope you will schedule this in your calendar.

Bernardus Lodge

Saturday October 19,  from 6 – 9 pm
I am privileged to play the beautiful grand piano in the lobby of one of Carmel Valley’s most prestigious locations.  I hope you can join me.
Bernardus Lodge,
Carmel Valley Road, Carmel

Monterey Plaza Hotel (Cannery Row)

Sunday, October 20  from 6 – 10 pm TBA
This is undoubtedly Cannery Row’s most elegant hotel.  I’m playing in the comfortable lobby.  Hope you will join me.
Monterey Plaza Hotel, Cannery Row, Pacific Grove

San Jose Country Club

Dominican OaksTBA
I always enjoy playing for the fine residents of Dominican Oaks.
Dominican Oaks,
3400 Paul Sweet Road, Santa Cruz

Merrill GardensTBA
I absolutely love playing solo piano for the fine residents of Merrill Gardens (Campbell).  We always have a great time playing the great tunes that everyone loves.
Merrill Gardens, Winchester, Campbell

Westhope Presbyterian ChurchWesthope 2015-11-01 at 10.45.43 PM

Every Sunday – 10 am Service
I play every Sunday for the beautiful Westhope Presbyterian Church in Saratoga.  (Services are currently on Zoom)
Westhope Presbyterian Church, 12850 Saratoga Avenue, Saratoga,
(408) 255-0955.


Check out three of my websites:

JazzSkills for Piano

Check out the newly redesigned JazzSkills for Pianomy extensive online jazz piano course.


This are Martan Mann’s individual online lessons.  All lessons are taught in a proven step-by-step method.  This works!

Quickie JazzThought

My new site is Quickie JazzThought.  This is a great discussion blog where you can ask me questions on jazz, music and improv.  You can also view free YouTube Video Lessons.

This site grew out of over 80 JazzThoughts that I have placed on Twitter and Facebook and many questions that friends and students have asked me over the years.. You can also view the  JazzThoughts there and ask questions about them.

I hope you will visit this site often and participate with your comments.  I’m looking forward to conversing with you.

Musicmann Website

You are currently on my Musicmann Website (It has lots of information about all my activities, products, JAZZ MASTERCLASS: Step-by-Step and blog posts) and JazzSkills for Piano (my extensive online jazz piano course).   You can request to receive Four Free Videos . . . or to receive my email updates.

Check out my Resources Page on this website.  I present links of some of my favorite people, companies and products.  You can order the products right from my website page.

Private Teaching

My private teaching schedule is going ahead full-force at home in Boulder Creek and at West Valley Music  in Mt. View! Contact me for a free interview.  My personal students (who take at least two lessons a month) will receive free access to JazzSkills for Piano.

West Valley Music Store
262 Castro Street
Mountain View, CA 94041
(650) 961-1566

I’m also teaching lessons by Skype.  If you are interested, click here.

Courses by Martan Mann

JSFP Banner Full

JazzSkills for Piano is now here!!!

Check it out.  Receive FOUR FREE VIDEOS.

Here’s some exciting new news regarding my new online jazz piano improv course, “JazzSkills for Piano (Getting from Here to There).   This is an intensive, deep, serious course in developing the skills necessary to play jazz piano.  It’s the subconscious which does the playing . . . you have the FUN.  This is your time to get started!

JazzSkills for Piano:

  • Over 200 lesson videos
  • Downloadable PDFs
  • The Private Lesson Blog
  • JAZZ MASTERCLASS: Step-by-Step (stand alone lessons)
  • Zoom
  • Webinars
  • Lots of text and much more.

These lessons are from beginning to fairly advanced and assume that you already have basic pianistic skills.  This course will definitely take you “From Here to There”.  Visit JazzSkills for Piano to receive Four Free Videos.

Click the button to receive Four Free Videos.red_getaccessnow

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Martan Mann has created single stand-alone intensive lessons for the jazz pianist.  These lessons are available for separate sale for $30 (to view for three months).

These are my latest standalone lessons from JAZZ MASTERCLASS: Step-by-Step.

Current individual courses:

  1. “Learning Giant Steps for the Jazz Pianist”
  2. “Modal Improv for the Jazz Pianist”
  3. “Learning Stride Blues for the Jazz Pianist”
  4. “Pachelbel Improv”
  5. “Learning Boogie Woogie”
  6. “Preparing to Play in All Keys”
  7. “Preparing to Learn a Tune”
  8. “HymnSkills: Developing Hymn Improvisation”
  9. “Pentatonics for Pianists (Latest Release)

This series of lessons give step-by-step instruction in analyzing and developing specific tunes and styles.  This solves mysteries.  This gives answers Now!  You can choose your tune and/or style to develop it fully and creatively.  New Step-by-Step Lessons will be added often.  Visit his website:  Musicmann.com to join his mailing list to stay current on the release of new lessons.red_getaccessnow

Recording and Rehearsals for Vocalists

I want to remind vocalists that I can provide rehearsal and recording services. I have a beautiful Yamaha C7 and excellent recording equipment. It’s quick and easy to record a demo or complete CD. CD artwork is also available.

I can also create Band in a Box charts and recordings which sound like a real band. You’ll be amazed!!!  TURN OFF THE MUSIC AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE.

The above is an audio file, “You’d be so nice to come home to”. It has my live piano playing mixed with the BIAB file. The first and third chorus is a backup for the vocalist. The second chorus is a sax solo. BIAB can put the song into any key, style, soloing instrument, tempo, etc.

Call me at (408) 234-2364 for more information. Or, send an email to martan@musicmann.com.

“I love to back vocalists!”


Waltz for Debby

Martan Mann plays a short, casual improvisation on Bill Evans’ fabulous tune, Waltz for Debby.   (TURN OFF THE MUSIC AT THE TOP OF THIS SITE.)


JazzThought Blog

Visit JazzThought to read Martan’s latest blog posts.
(Also visit:  JazzThought.com for more blog posts and jazz quotes.)

 Improve Your Jazz Improv

It’s one thing to improvise. But, what happens when your improv gets boring, stale and repetitive? What are some ways to “restart the engine”? In my own personal playing, I’m always looking for ways to “renew the spark”. I realize that my best improv is when I literally

Read More . . . .